Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What is the BUZZ all abut?

If you have not heard about it yet, just wait you will! What's that you say....
well it is Pinterest of course.

Okay I can hear you now saying what on earth is Pinterest? Well, after spending a day on the 
newest of social media sites... let me give you a crash course in "Pinning".

Pay attention to this logo as you will see it flashed as much
as you see Facebook. How does it work, well much like back
in the early days of Google you have to know someone who is 
already in. They can send you an invite and then you have to 
wait for Pinterest to accept your invitation.
This gives the site an exclusiveness feel to it, however all in all from the time your invite is sent 
it is usually about 48 hours before you will become an official "Pinner".

So why is this so fascinating, and why would you want to do this in addition to Facebook or Twitter?
Well, it is simple, it is an easy way to instantly connect with people that share your same interests
and you do not have to wait for a friend request once you are in. The art of pinning is very easy with
Pin It bookmark that you paste into your browser. When that is done, as Pinterest has stated 
"Happy Pinning".

What you will begin to create is one giant cork board of interesting articles and pictures with easy
access to their sources. You create boards of your interests i.e.. Fashion, Kids, Home Ideas, D.I.Y., etc.
and those interests have Master categories that they go in. This is how you are then connected to 
others with your same interests. With just one click I was able to easily find a recipe for dinner, some 
help on parenting, and of course every thing imaginable when it comes to fashion.

So we have created a Pinterest account and will be pinning things that are of interest to
The Bella A Girls, our customers, and everything else. We have set up a board that is just for you
our customer. We want to know what you would like to see in the store and what your fashion
ideas are. Feel free to Facebook or email us at: bella@bellaaboutique.com
We want to hear from you. 

We will continue to update Facebook with new fashions that arrive at the store and we will also be
"pinning" our fashions too.
Feel free to follow our latest "pins" at: http://pinterest.com/bellaaboutique

Whats new at the store?

Looking forward to seeing you in the store soon! We have new Spring items arriving 
every week. Here is our latest arrival:
The New Crop Trouser by Hudson - Simply Classic!  /  Colored Denim by Joe's - A black bootcut and teal skinny

So until next time stay beautifully unique with bella A boutique!

Live Arvada! Love Arvada! Shop Arvada!

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